Body Sculpting Paddle


Our body sculpting paddle is designed to help you at home keep your lymphatic system flowing and that fascia moving.

Made out of beautiful high vibe bian stone. Bian stone has been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese medicine. Bian stone contains up tp 40 trace minerals that are beneficial to the human body, this can help with relaxing the muscles circulation and joint health.

Our body sculpting paddle is designed to help boost lymphatic drainage, reducing water retention and riding the body of toxins. The curves of the paddle are designed to be used all over the body to push the lymph fluid to the lymph nodes to help detox. The smaller curves and corners are great for releasing tension within the muscles and fascia, working with your fascia can sometimes cause bruising so be mindful of this when using your sculpting tool.

A detailed how to instructions will be sent you on purchase of your tool.

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